Different Types of Transformers


A Transformer is an innovative invention in electrical engineering. It is the gadget that transfers power from one circuit to another without the need of putting physical contact or changing its frequency, phase, or any other components it has. It is the most important device in far all electrical network appliances. Moreover, there are different types of transformers used for different purposes.

Everything You Should Know About Transformers

Before you learn the types of transformers, it is important to understand what is a Transformer? Well, a transformer is the electrical apparatus that moves the electrical energy from one circuit to the other. Usually, energy transfer happens with the change of current and voltage. Transformers either increase the Alternating Current also known as AC voltage or decrease the same.

Types of Transformers

A transformer can be assembled in various types. It is not electrically connected from one side to the other but still the two independent electrical windings by the means of electromagnetic flux conduct the power. A transformer has many windings or coils on both primary and secondary sides. At times, various primary sides are often referred to as the center-tapped which can also be seen on the secondary side.


There are many different types of transformers and all are used for different objectives.

Step-up Transformers: Exactly opposite to the step-down transformers, this type of transformers is used to increase the low primary voltage to high. This transformation process is achieved through the ratio of the primary and secondary winding ratio. The primary and the secondary winding ratio of a step-up transformer remains less than one. In other words, the number of turns a secondary winding takes is higher in comparison with the primary winding. Step-up transformers are mostly used in tools like inverters and stabilizers where low voltage is transformed into a high voltage. Besides, a step-up transformer is also used for the circulation of electrical power. For application power distribution a higher voltage is required. Moreover, a step-up transformer is applied in the grid to step-up the voltage level before the power distribution.

Must Read: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Step-up Transformer

Step down Transformer: This type of transformer is used not only for electronics but also for the electrical domain. It is used to transfer the higher level of primary voltage to the lower level through the secondary output. This process is accomplished with the ratio of primary and secondary windings. The number of windings for a step-down transformer is high across the primary side in comparison with the secondary side. Moreover, the winding ratio of both primary and secondary as a whole constantly remains more than one. Step-down transformers are usually used in high voltage electrical distribution systems that process on high voltage ensuring economical solutions to facilitate the long-distance power delivery needs. In easy words, a step-up transformer is used to convert the high voltage supply to a low voltage supply line.

Single-Phase Transformer: With a constant level of voltage frequency and variation, this device transfers the AC power from one circuit to the other. The single-phase transformer consists of two types of windings; 1) Primary winding – to which the AC supply is transferred and 2) secondary winding – that connects the load.

Three-Phase transformer: Three single-phase transformers coupled together acts as a three-phase transformer. This device is mainly used for the industrial purpose to generate electric power, transmission, and distribution. Assembling three single-phase transformers is quite pocket-friendly to form a three-phase transformer rather than purchasing one.

Must Read: Advantages and Disadvantages of 3 Phase Transformer

Power Transformer: It is a larger size device that transfers the energy to the public electricity supply or the substation. A power transformer is, in fact, a bridge between the power generator and the primary distribution grid. Based on specifications and ratings, a power transformer can be divided into three categories – 1) small power transformer, 2) medium power transformer, and 3) large power transformer. The main use of this device is to convert the low voltage high current to a high voltage low current.

Auto Transformers: This device differs from the traditional type of transformers since it shares a common winding. Each end of an auto-transformer core is an end section for the winding, nevertheless, there is a second winding that is linked up with a key intermediary point taking shape of a third terminal. The first and the second terminals in this device accomplishes the primary voltage and the third terminal functions in parallel with either the first or the second terminal providing a secondary form of voltage.

Electrical Transformers: It is a machine that is used to transfer electricity from one circuit to the other by changing the voltage level keeping the frequency unchanged. An electrical transformer is used for AC supply. This means it impacts the supply voltage fluctuation by the current fluctuation. This means an increase in current will achieve an increase in the voltage and the other way round.

Related Post: What You Need to Know About Electrical Transformers


Transformers meet wide varieties of needs. Some transformers are huge and typically are found at a generating station, whereas some are small enough to be used with charging cradles. Whatever shape or size it may have, the purpose of a transformer remains the same i.e. transferring the electrical power from one to another type.

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